Atlas - West Coast Australian Labradoodles
[email protected]
Sha Sha Gabor

Sha Sha Gabor a true angel for many disabled individuals. Wheelbound individuals who wished for the freedom to leave their wheel-chair and experience a ride on a kind, gentle, Tennessee Walker were so grateful for Sha Sha Gabor sponsored events.
Warm Sunday afternoons, Sha Sha Gabor, volunteers, (including myself) and many Tennessee Walkers awaited at The Brass Ring, a Tennessee Walker training facility for young and old an opportunity to ride a horse.
Warm Sunday afternoons, Sha Sha Gabor, volunteers, (including myself) and many Tennessee Walkers awaited at The Brass Ring, a Tennessee Walker training facility for young and old an opportunity to ride a horse.
Therapy Historical Perspective

" The early Greeks gave horseback rides to raise the spirits of persons who were incurably ill. From the 17th century, the medical literature contains occasional references to horseback riding as beneficial for gout, neurological disorders, and low morale. In her 1859 "Notes on Nursing", Florence Nightingale wrote: 'A small pet animal is often an excellent companion for the sick, for long chronic cases....'
As a teenager, I volunteered at the Brass Ring in Ontario Calif. assisting all ages that did not have the ability to walk, yet had the desire to ride a Tennessee Walking horse. I am proud that I worked along the founder, Sha Sha Gabor, and that my family donated two Tennessee Walkers and one Tennessee Walking Mule.
In the 1940's at the Pawling New York Convalescent Hospital, the American Red Cross and the Army Air Corps set up a program for recuperating (veterans) which involved association with a wide variety of animals in a farm situation. But it wasn't until the publication of Boris Levinson's "Pet-Oriented Child Psychotherapy" in 1969 that anyone made a serious plea for careful investigation of the healing power of association with animals, based on extensive records of his experiences in his own practice...
-Hines, L.M. and Bustad, L.K. 1986 "Historical Perspectives on Human-Animal Interactions. "National Forum, 66, 4-6
In my late teens prior to moving to attend college at CSU Fresno, I worked at a developmentally disabled home, a convalescent home, and a psychiatric ward. How I wished I could bring in my highly trained, loving dog(s) to comfort those people. I am so glad that times have changed and animals are accepted in many types of facilities. I am proud to say one of Meg's puppies is serving in three assisted living homes in West Virginia.
I have the proven knowledge and skills to train you and your dog to help you earn a therapy dog certificate or provide a dog with a therapy certificate transferable in your name.
Delta Society
Founded in 1977, Delta Society is an international, not-for-profit organization of pet owner's volunteers, therapists, educators, veterinarians, and other health professionals.
1. Expand awareness of the positive effects animals can have on human health
and development.
2. Reduce barriers that prevent involvement of animals.
3. Expand the therapeutic and service role of animals in human healthcare and
4. Train handlers a nd register Pet Partner teams in the United States and other
-Delta Society - The Human-Animal Health Connection -Pet Partners
Atlas Labradoodles
West Coast Australian Labradoodles
[email protected]
AnnMarie Knudsen
Therapy Dogs - Therapy Historical Perspective -
As a teenager, I volunteered at the Brass Ring in Ontario Calif. assisting all ages that did not have the ability to walk, yet had the desire to ride a Tennessee Walking horse. I am proud that I worked along the founder, Sha Sha Gabor, and that my family donated two Tennessee Walkers and one Tennessee Walking Mule.
In the 1940's at the Pawling New York Convalescent Hospital, the American Red Cross and the Army Air Corps set up a program for recuperating (veterans) which involved association with a wide variety of animals in a farm situation. But it wasn't until the publication of Boris Levinson's "Pet-Oriented Child Psychotherapy" in 1969 that anyone made a serious plea for careful investigation of the healing power of association with animals, based on extensive records of his experiences in his own practice...
-Hines, L.M. and Bustad, L.K. 1986 "Historical Perspectives on Human-Animal Interactions. "National Forum, 66, 4-6
In my late teens prior to moving to attend college at CSU Fresno, I worked at a developmentally disabled home, a convalescent home, and a psychiatric ward. How I wished I could bring in my highly trained, loving dog(s) to comfort those people. I am so glad that times have changed and animals are accepted in many types of facilities. I am proud to say one of Meg's puppies is serving in three assisted living homes in West Virginia.
I have the proven knowledge and skills to train you and your dog to help you earn a therapy dog certificate or provide a dog with a therapy certificate transferable in your name.
Delta Society
Founded in 1977, Delta Society is an international, not-for-profit organization of pet owner's volunteers, therapists, educators, veterinarians, and other health professionals.
1. Expand awareness of the positive effects animals can have on human health
and development.
2. Reduce barriers that prevent involvement of animals.
3. Expand the therapeutic and service role of animals in human healthcare and
4. Train handlers a nd register Pet Partner teams in the United States and other
-Delta Society - The Human-Animal Health Connection -Pet Partners
Atlas Labradoodles
West Coast Australian Labradoodles
[email protected]
AnnMarie Knudsen
Therapy Dogs - Therapy Historical Perspective -