Atlas - West Coast Australian Labradoodles

About Us:
West Coast Australian Labradoodles
E mail: [email protected]
Riverside County, So. California
Our puppies have found homes working in assisted living facilities, working as diabetic alert dogs, working as general therapy dogs, other service work, Australian Labradoodle breeding programs and in many loving family homes.
I am in love with Australian Labradoodles.
I am incorporating years of animal husbandry knowledge to produce future loving, healthy, well-mannered Australian Labradoodle multi-generation puppies to serve.
Our puppies are handled from the day they are born. Bio-sensor techniques are administered. However, I have obtained puppy training tecniques that I have gleamed from years of working, training, and showing a multitude of different animals; dogs, horses, mules, ponies, dairy cattle, beef cattle, rabbits, and birds. (read- Puppy tips; Puppy socialization)
Each and every puppy leaves receiving a loving and unique training program. The results, a new puppy owner high satisfaction report card. In addition, I am only a Email or a phone call away. The continued support last the life time of your new Australian Labradoodle.
I have been blessed to have been trained by or have attended clinics with some of the best anmial trainers of our time.
Day to day practical experience has been my greatest teacher. I was born and raised on a dairy farm in the Chino Valley. I grew up along with 8 equine; ponies, horses and mules and eight plus dogs. Weekend horseback rides in the beautiful mountains or riding along the beach or dodging cactus in our beautiful local deserts was the lifestyle I grew up with. It was a time when dogs did not know what a leash was and were welcomed on many of our family adventures.
I trained my first obedience competition dog when I was ten (10) years old. I was a proud youngster to win 2nd place out of forty entries for obedience graduation. I have won a lot of ribbons and silver competing in shows with all my different animals. I was a natural.
Yes, I am an animal lover.
The results are happy, well adjusted, well mannered, easy going, eager to please puppies and dogs.
The puppy has the foundation to meet your needs as a dog enthusiast. You may want to certify your Australian Labradoodle to be a therapy dog, you may want to obedience train and compete, run agility or you simply may want a loving companion dog that is your best friend.
My puppies meet the expectation,
AnnMarie Knudsen
E mail: [email protected]
Riverside County, So. California
-Home -About Us-
West Coast Australian Labradoodles
E mail: [email protected]
Riverside County, So. California
Our puppies have found homes working in assisted living facilities, working as diabetic alert dogs, working as general therapy dogs, other service work, Australian Labradoodle breeding programs and in many loving family homes.
I am in love with Australian Labradoodles.
I am incorporating years of animal husbandry knowledge to produce future loving, healthy, well-mannered Australian Labradoodle multi-generation puppies to serve.
Our puppies are handled from the day they are born. Bio-sensor techniques are administered. However, I have obtained puppy training tecniques that I have gleamed from years of working, training, and showing a multitude of different animals; dogs, horses, mules, ponies, dairy cattle, beef cattle, rabbits, and birds. (read- Puppy tips; Puppy socialization)
Each and every puppy leaves receiving a loving and unique training program. The results, a new puppy owner high satisfaction report card. In addition, I am only a Email or a phone call away. The continued support last the life time of your new Australian Labradoodle.
I have been blessed to have been trained by or have attended clinics with some of the best anmial trainers of our time.
Day to day practical experience has been my greatest teacher. I was born and raised on a dairy farm in the Chino Valley. I grew up along with 8 equine; ponies, horses and mules and eight plus dogs. Weekend horseback rides in the beautiful mountains or riding along the beach or dodging cactus in our beautiful local deserts was the lifestyle I grew up with. It was a time when dogs did not know what a leash was and were welcomed on many of our family adventures.
I trained my first obedience competition dog when I was ten (10) years old. I was a proud youngster to win 2nd place out of forty entries for obedience graduation. I have won a lot of ribbons and silver competing in shows with all my different animals. I was a natural.
Yes, I am an animal lover.
The results are happy, well adjusted, well mannered, easy going, eager to please puppies and dogs.
The puppy has the foundation to meet your needs as a dog enthusiast. You may want to certify your Australian Labradoodle to be a therapy dog, you may want to obedience train and compete, run agility or you simply may want a loving companion dog that is your best friend.
My puppies meet the expectation,
AnnMarie Knudsen
E mail: [email protected]
Riverside County, So. California
-Home -About Us-